
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
– Marcel Proust

What is psychoanalytic work? This web site is meant to answer that question. With all of the therapies available in today’s world the consumer deserves to have enough information to make wise choices.

My goal is to demystify psychoanalytic work so that more people can have an idea about what to expect from the psychoanalyst and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapist.   On these pages I will try to explain what psychoanalytic treatment is all about, how it helps, why it helps, and who it can help.

Almost everyone who crosses the therapist’s threshold is looking for a second chance — a shot at living a richer, less restricted life. In psychoanalytic work, understanding how echoes of the past resonate with and shape the present provides opportunities to resolve crippling conflicts and make new choices. Such insights also produce a sense of mastery. We all want to be masters of our own fate.

I will present my views about the role of an analyst, what her* training entails, where to find her, what the goal is, what the patient may experience, and why it requires time.

*in the service of brevity I will use ‘her’ and ‘she’ instead of ‘he/she’ and ‘his/her’ throughout this web site.

Click here to read about the journey, and here to learn about the work.